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행사일정 전체보기

RNA Mediated Regulation of Immunity: Mechanism, Disease and Therapeutics

  • 일시2025-01-27 ~ 2025-01-30
  • 장소Keystone Resort, Keystone, CO, United States
  • 내용Noncoding RNAs, the RNA epigenome, and RNA processing mechanisms have recently emerged as crucial topics at the forefront of gene expression control, igniting the field of molecular immunology. In the context of immune cells, these RNA-based mechanism can influence gene expression programs, signaling pathway activation and cellular activation states with broad implications for immune system function, and dysfunction.

    This meeting will bring together a diverse group of immunologists, molecular biologists, RNA chemists, and systems biologists to discuss and advance the integration of RNA, epigenetics and immunity. This is the first meeting of its kind to focus entirely on the intersection of these fields, convening scientists working on noncoding RNA, RNA sensors, and RNA epi-transcriptomics in the context of the immune system. The breadth of topics covered in the meeting illustrates the broad appeal and the dynamic nature of the field, which spans basic immunological questions to applied and translational research. RNA plays diverse roles in immune system development, pathophysiological outcomes and therapeutics, as demonstrated by the recent pandemic, and thus we expect diverse representation of speakers and attendees across academic, clinical, biotech and pharmaceutical sectors to collectively address key questions in the field and identify therapeutic applications of knowledge.

    The conference will be held jointly with the Keystone Symposium on Non-coding RNA Biology: New Roles & Diversity to enable cross-disciplinary insights and collaborations towards mechanisms and impacts of ncRNA on immune system function.

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